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The Seven Visions Seen by William Marrion Branham

Seven Visions

On a Sunday morning June of 1933, William Branham was given a series of seven visions that would happen before the Coming of the Lord. We heard him speak of these visions, and we’ve witnessed most of these visions come to pass after 1933. 


That memorable morning, Branham announced the seven visions to his Jeffersonville, Indiana church. He finally recorded the same in a book as follows:


The Lord Jesus spoke to me and said that his coming was drawing nigh, but that before he came, seven major events would transpire. I wrote them all down and that morning I gave forth the prophecies of the Lord.


  1. The first vision was that Mussolini would invade Ethiopia and that nation would “fall at his steps.” That vision surely did cause some repercussions, and some were very angry when I said it and would not believe it. But it happened that way. He just walked in there with his modern arms and took over. The natives didn't have a chance. But the vision also said that Mussolini would come to a horrible end with his own people turning on him. That came to pass just exactly as it was said.

  2. The next vision foretold that an Austrian by the name of Adolph Hitler would rise as dictator over Germany and that he would draw the world into war. It showed the Siegfried line and how our troops would have a terrible time to overcome it. Then it showed that Hitler would come to a mysterious end.

  3. The third vision was in the realm of world politics for it showed me that there would be three great ISMS, Fascism, Nazism, and Communism, but that the first two would be swallowed up into the third. The voice admonished, “WATCH RUSSIA, WATCH RUSSIA. Keep your eye on the King of the North.”

  4. The fourth vision showed the great advancement in science that would follow after the Second World War. It was headed up in the vision of a plastic bubble-topped car that was running down beautiful highways under remote control so that people appeared seated in this car without a steering wheel and they were playing some sort of a game to amuse themselves.

  5. The fifth vision had to do with the moral problem of our age, centering mostly around women. God showed me that women began to be out of their place with the granting of the vote. Then they cut off their hair, which signified that they were no longer under the authority of a man but insisted on either equal rights, or in most cases, more than equal rights. She adopted men's clothing and went into a state of undress, until the last picture I saw was a woman naked except for a little fig leaf type apron. With this vision I saw the terrible perversion and moral plight of the whole world.

  6. Then in the sixth vision there arose up in America a most beautiful, but cruel woman. She held the people in her complete power. I believed that this was the rise of the Roman Catholic Church, though I knew it could possibly be a vision of some woman rising in great power in America due to a popular vote by women.

  7. The last and seventh vision was wherein I heard a most terrible explosion. As I turned to look I saw nothing but debris, craters, and smoke all over the land of America.

Of course, the first five visions needed no interpretation, for they were straightforward. And that is exactly how it happened. They were fulfilled to the letter, and now it is all history.


The sixth vision was slightly hidden because Branham gave two versions about what it may have meant. The Lord never gave him a clear-cut interpretation of what the beautiful woman who would hold the American people in her sway exactly meant. He thought that she might mean the Catholic Church or some literal woman would become president of USA. Of course, this has invited a lot of speculation since then; yet any true prophecy of scripture is not of private interpretation, but it must come according to the scriptures.

​But the description below shows clearly that the woman in the vision was figurative:


Then there arose in the United States a most beautiful woman clothed in splendor, and great power was given to her. She was lovely of feature but there was a hardness about her that defied description. Beautiful as she was, she was yet cruel, wicked and cunning. She dominated the land with her authority, she had complete power over the people. The vision indicated that either such a woman would literally arise or that this woman of the vision was merely a type of an organization which is scripturally characterized by a female. Though the voice did not speak out and reveal who she was, he felt in his heart that this woman represented the rising Roman Catholic Church, and he inserted in parenthesis beside at the end of this vision which he had written out, (perhaps the Catholic church).


Great power was given her... by who? and she had a hardness that defies description... as beautiful as she was, she was cruel and wicked. As wicked as who? Jezebel! As cruel as who? Jezebel! As beautiful as who? Jezebel. As cunning as who? as the serpent. Here she is:

Revelation 17 clearly describes the same kind of woman:


Rev 17:3-6  So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 
And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration


Just as Branham wondered at the woman, how beautiful she was, yet how cruel too, so did John do! 


To trace the path of this cruel feminine spirit (goddess) of beauty and cruelty, we shall start with the serpent in the Garden of Eden. God made every beast male and female; it was only man who was made both male and female in one. So, as sure as we had the male serpent, a beast on two feet, who deceived the woman, so he had a female partner, a serpentine, of course. And as the spirit of the devil was on the serpent, so was the goddess spirit upon the serpentine.


Of course, after the serpent was cursed he lost his limbs and hands and became a reptile, so Mrs. Serpent lost a companion! So, what did she do? She reached over and married Cain! Her former husband had become a reptile, moving on his belly. Of course, she finally died, but the spirit that was upon her kept on, moving from woman to woman, and finally founded an empire, the famous Babylonian Empire. It was both political and religious.


After the fall of Babylon, she moved on to Rome and finally founded the so-called Holy Roman Empire, a New Testament duplication of Babylon. But Rome finally lost her political power through the Protestant apprising, so she also left Rome. Where did the foul spirit then land? Through Britain, she landed in the USA! She wields not only religious power but also political power, whether in the name of dictatorship or democracy, it is all the same to her, she has the masses under her feet, singing her language!


She is the goddess of beauty, whoredom and cruelty, and now she has America already in her control.​

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