Daily Sweet Note List

Whether young or old, male or female, rich or poor, free or bound, the only one thing that can ever satisfy, truly satisfy your longing soul, is Jesus Christ in your heart: the Bread of life that God gives for life everlasting for the soul; that which makes truly just and holy, true and faithful, it is he whom the Father has given us.
What are great riches or pleasure in this world? Vanity of vanities! Just a pomp at best! They can only satiate but never can satisfy.
What of politics and popularity? Vain and frustrating; vague and deceitful; lies upon deception, just a mirage. They can't provide the reality to the soul. They can't provide the real substance of truth. Only Jesus has the true satisfying portion! Why? Life without an end, peace like a mighty river, rest without end, true pleasure, bliss and glee, to be young forever full of frolicking and refreshments... These and more he bestows upon those who opens their heart for him to enter in and reign.
What of religion? If there is anything vague, void and empty, and lifeless, it is religion. Don't confuse God's lively Word and religion. They are worlds apart! Christ is the living lively Word forever, but religion is a formality of dead dogma and traditions; dead daily practices full of stagnation. But God's Word creates, saves, imparts life, love holiness, righteousness, and heavenly bliss! It rolls with hallelujah upon hallelujah!
Yes, come and taste it!

Sirs, what is the time?
News upon News, rolling like the mighty Euphrates! What? Soon time vanishes away being swallowed by eternity.

Famine famish the souls of men!
Famine in the last days, not for lack of food, but lack of God's Word.