Nancy Loyce
28 Oct 2023
Gospel News Today
God, who in sundry times and divers manners spoke to our fathers by the prophets, has finally spoken unto us today by His Son again! Wonderful News! Gospel News! Good News indeed! The only News that is indeed Good News. Hallelujah! For whoever listens to this News, and inclines his ear to it, receives eternal life!
Hallelujah! What a piece of News this is! Yeah, God, the eternal Father, has finally spoken! By who? By His Son!
This is the very truth, the Gospel Truth, the true Gospel News, that God ever speaks to man in every dispensation, in every age, in every general. During the Old Testament times, God spoke by the prophets; then He send His Son into the world, at his first advent, and He spoke by him. Then left us after his resurrection but promised to return. Now, during the New Testament times, God has been speaking by the apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and various evangelists, but in this final closing ours of time, God has spoken to us again by His beloved Son! Hallelujah! It is News, pleasant News indeed in the ears of mortal, to hear that finally, God has spoken!
And don't forget this: His Word never returns to Him void! It must just accomplish what He has spoken. How wonderful then to know that He has finally spoken to us again by His Son! Glory to God? This is the Gospel News that we declare unto you today, that you may have fellowship with us, fellowship around the fresh manna served by the Son of God. Yes, it is the very truth! God has spoken to us by His Son!
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