Nancy Loyce
30 Oct 2023
Rich Fresh Food For You Today!
He hath given meat (food, meals) unto them that fear Him:
Psalm 111:5
Yea, even rich, pleasant spiritual meat in your season! As an eagle feedeth her young with fresh meat, so hath the Lord done for his children since the beginning. God has ever fed His children by His mouth. Out of His mouth goes sweet converting bread for the souls of men. He rises up early in each season and supplies freely for all who truly hunger for the bread of life.
So has He done today! Fresh manna, the true bread from above, is upon the ground again. Come out and gather for your daily sustenance! I speak the truth in the name of the Lord! God has visited us again, and has provided living bread, the Word of life. Hallelujah!
Remember, you can't live otherwise! It is only by the spoken word of God in your very day! Not so much by reading the stories of past tense meal services, but by inclining your ear to the present day revelation of the Word! As your body needs ordinary food daily, so your soul needs spiritual food daily. And we are happy to report to you all that God is speaking to His people again. He has sent His Word among us! His voice is walking in the garden again, in the cool of the evening. Hearken!
Yes, here, at the Beloved City Radio Station, we have daily services that offers you sweet, pleasant, present-day, divine utterances for your soul!
The house of the Lord hath never lacked fresh meat, fresh meals, rich and pleasant; yea, even sweet and mellow: you don't have to look back to past generations. No need at all! God is a true Father! If ye mortal fathers know better than to feed your children past tense food, but every year, you raise food for them, how do you expect God, who is rich in every way, to fail to provide for His household today? God is not lazy, He is not poor; He is not an extravagant, careless man! He is a caring loving Father! He prepares in advance for all His children!
Sometimes a man may fail to provide what is enough for his family, because he is finite, but God does not fail, for He is infinitely rich! He is able to provide for an innumerable number of His children, for He is El-shaddai! Praise the Lord! His name means He who is exceedingly fruitful beyond measure; by that He begets children like stars. As they come up in every generation, He has enough spiritual food for them. He does not feed His children on past tense dead traditions! Praise His name that does all these things...! richly Providing for all our needs.
God has spoken and is speaking again. Hearken!